Coach Mentorship - 6 months
6 month coach-to-coach mentorship package
Service Description
I can help you with the questions you have as you work to support your athlete and grow your business. My mentorship programs are driven by you! I design the mentorship sessions tailored to answer your questions and help you achieve your goals. In this package, you will have 6 x 1 hr recorded sessions with Dr. Myers. You will complete a final project to enhance your learning. After the completion of the mentorship, you will receive a letter of recommendation. Additionally, this package can be used for 7 CEUs towards the American Swim Coaches Association for swim specific mentorships. Some of the mentorship sessions in the past have cover, but are not limited to the following: • Working with Athletes o How to perform a Needs Analysis. o How to build an athlete ATP that is goal driven and addresses the athlete’s strengths and limiters. o How to write a periodized program, and how to allow the data guide the training. o How to incorporate resistance training into a program. o Strengthening communication with your athletes. o How to apply scientifically proven, evidenced based best training practices for all levels of athletes o How to analyze training data o How to perform video analysis to strength the athlete’s training and build trust. o Athlete recruitment and retention • Growing your business o Creating and implementing a business plan o Business administration o Billing o Hiring and developing staff o Insurance o Taxes
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